ABM and Your Industry

Communications, Media, and Tech

B2B marketing continues to evolve and expand at communications, media, and technology companies. Amid complex and lengthy sales cycles, buyers increasingly seek a differentiated experience that recognizes individual stakeholder needs.

Marketers in the communications, media, and technology space, must go beyond personalized customer experiences to stand out from competitors trying to do the same. That means creating awareness using targeted digital channels and events, reinforcing value across advertising and outbound campaigns, and maintaining retention strategies to drive usage and growth. The solution? Account-based marketing (ABM).

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    The ad sales team at NBCUniversal found a 100% improvement in email open rates and 50% less time to create a campaign audience.

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Introducing ABM to Communications, Media, and Technology Industries

Drive account prioritization. Get all your teams to identify and agree on key accounts. Make buying easier with a proactive, prescriptive approach by tightly aligning marketing, sales, and service teams. This not only helps to tailor and personalize campaigns, but also reinforces the importance of the marketing team’s role in the sales process.

Create efficient sales conversations and shorter sales cycles. The communications, media, and technology space is known for notoriously long sales cycles. ABM solves this by getting the right messaging in front of the right people at the right time. This approach helps marketers personalize outreach to prospects using channels like digital, email, SMS, and in-app marketing. It also sets up the sales team for more successful conversations with buyers down the road. This approach is also much more cost-effective by determining which accounts are the best to go after, rather than a lead-based strategy which qualifies them after the fact.

Leverage customer data and scale personalization. At the heart of ABM is data-driven, real-time personalization. By unifying customer data from across the business, ABM can create opportunities for marketers to efficiently segment and deliver relevant content across every channel. Plus, having a more complete view of your customer helps streamline data and privacy compliance for users and subscribers.

Track and attribute effectiveness. Measuring ABM success is more than viewing the traditional number of form leads. Instead, ABM looks at overall account engagement and impact on business outcomes — like sales meetings, pipeline, and deal size. Maximize ROI by identifying and acting on campaign performance, while reporting on an account-focused revenue pipeline.

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    See how T-Mobile is transforming customer and employee relationships with seamless experiences across the company.

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While you may hear the terms account-based marketing, account-based engagement (ABE), and account-based experience (ABX) interchangeably in the industry, regardless of what you call it, an account-based go-to-market strategy is an advantageous approach B2B marketing. With account-specific analytics, marketers in this space can more efficiently understand campaign effectiveness, optimize marketing performance, and increase overall account engagement.

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